QRZ! Ham Radio 3
QRZ Ham Radio Callsign Database - Volume 3.iso
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adj,penurious,stingy; miserly
noun,innuendo,indirect hint
adj,abstemious,restricted to bare necessities; marked by moderation
noun,trowel,tool used to apply cement
verb,foment,incite; arouse
adj,unremitting,never slackening; incessant; persistent
verb,desiccate,to make thoroughly dry; dry out
verb,remonstrate,to make objections; argue against some action
adj,lachrymose,weeping or inclined to weep; tearful
adj,hangdog,shamefaced or guilty; downcast; intimidated
verb,enervate,to deprive of strength or vitality; debilitate; weaken
adj,niggardly,unwilling to part with anything; stingy
verb,hedge,to enclose or bound
verb,exacerbate,to increase to severity of; aggravate
noun,sage,a person--usually an elderly main--who is venerated for his experience judgment or wisdom
adj,cogent,forcibly convincing
adj,stilted,stiffly or artificially dignified or formal; pompous
adj,affable,easy to speak to; approachable; amiable
adj,quixotic,romantic without regard to practicality
noun,pariah,social outcast
adj,pragmatic,dealing with facts or natural occurrences; practical
verb,ruminate,to meditate at length; to muse
adj,resigned,marked by acceptance or passive submission
adj,ignominious,characterized by shame or disgrace
adj,elegiac,expressing sorrow; mournful
adj,querulous,given to complaining or fretting; peevish
noun,insouciance,lack of concern; indifference
noun,dilettante,a dabbler in the arts
adj,propitious,1) presenting favorable circumstances; auspicious 2) kindly; gracious
adj,culpable,responsible for wrong or error; deserving censure; blameworthy
adj,importunate,stubbornly or unreasonably persistent in request or demand
noun,cruet,a small glass bottle for holding vinegar oil or other condiments at the table
noun,apostate,one who forsakes his faith or principles
noun,potentate,one who has the power and position to rule over others; monarch
noun,numismatist,one who studies and collects money or metals
noun,philatelist,one who studies and collects stamps postmarks and related materials
noun,repose,the act of resting; a rest
noun,epaulet,a shoulder ornament
noun,links,a golf course
adj,parsimonious,marked by unusual or excessive frugality
adj,impecunious,lacking money; penniless
adj,petulant,unreasonably irritable or ill-tempered; peevish
adj,fatuous,complacently or unconsciously stupid; asinine; inane
adj,picayune,of little value or importance; paltry
adj,portentous,foreboding; ominous